You may have arrived here when looking for me in any of the social networks from which I am, for the most part, absent (I am still here but that's about it).
This is my main web presence, where most of what I feel I have to write will be placed. Occasionally, there will be links to other places, when that’s relevant.
As I am in the process of moving my main website from there to here (within which context it's probably almost impossible you reached here at this stage), there won't be a lot on this website for a while.
But later there will be.
Primarily this website is going to include two pages -
The first page, me, is fairly self explanatory. It is designed to provide a short paragraph or two about who I am, if you really stumbled on this website by accident.
The second, now, will contain a list of the things I’m currently working on. It might contain a list of previous things I’ve done, or it might not. I borrowed this idea from Derek Sivers – in whose website you may want to read a lot more.
That's pretty much it. I hope you enjoy whatever you find here, and please feel free to contact me on any of the contact methods you find in this page.